5 Ways To Stay Healthy Over The Holidays (without skipping all the fun)

With the holidays fast approaching, lots of clients are wondering how to navigate the parties, platters and chilly weather. The good news is you don’t have to skip all the good stuff to keep your health goals on track and avoid the typical bloating, low energy and weight gain.

5 Ways To Stay Healthy Over The Holidays (without skipping all the fun)2015-11-27T12:46:07+00:00

Is Meat The New Smoking? Why You Should Think Bigger.

So much of this week’s food and nutrition news has been devoted to the media headlines that bacon (and other processed meats, as well as red meat in general) is the new smoking. Or asbestos, depending which news outlet you read regularly. So what does this mean? Is bacon as bad for you as a cigarette? Quick answer is hell no-smoking is a high dose of poison. Meat certainly is not. Read on for a balanced take on what the science says and how this applies to what you eat.

Is Meat The New Smoking? Why You Should Think Bigger.2015-11-03T05:03:10+00:00
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