(Westcoastnutrition.ca) Improving you diet can seem daunting. Read on for four easy ways to start eating better, and feeling better now.
1. Dark leafy greens every day. No exceptions
Try kale, spinach, bok choy, arugula, radicchio, romaine, and mixed greens (spring mix or California mix).
Bored with salad? Spinach, kale and bok choy are all delicious sautéed with garlic and olive oil.
Short on time? Blend greens with an apple or ½ cup honeydew and grated ginger for a phytonutrient packed snack on the go.
2. Eat within 1-2 hours of getting up
Yes, your mother was right. Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day- it primes your body for how you’ll feel energy wise ALL day and helps maximize metabolism after fasting overnight.
At the minimum have a piece of fruit and some protein (a hardboiled egg, walnuts or almonds, or a low sugar/high fibre/protein containing granola bar) or a smoothie made with plain Greek yogurt and fruit.
If you want to feel fabulous and focused start with high fibre and nutrient dense berries, rolled or steel cut oats, cinnamon and Greek yogurt mixed together the night before. Your body will thank you!
3. Don’t drink juice
This includes homemade juice unless its mostly made from veggies (see my post on HealthCastle FraserValley about juicing here ).
It’s concentrated and leaves your stomach quickly meaning you’ll be hungry again soon- a recipe for taking in more calories than you need.
Try blending fruit and veggies instead if you like to drink them instead of eat them. If you’re just staying hydrated, drink water.
4. Add fresh herbs to your shopping list
Parsley, cilantro, scallions, rosemary and their counterparts are nutritional powerhouses- closer to their wild ancestors; they are typically higher in vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients and often have unique anti-inflammatory properties. They’ve been used as medicine by many cultures of thousands of years for good reason!
Say hello to more energy, healthy digestion, and quicker healing.
Try green rice, chimichurri sauce on poultry and meats, tabbouleh heavy on the parsley or simply herbs chopped and tossed in to salads to up the flavour and nutrition.
Michelle Shepherd is a Registered Dietitian at Westcoast Nutrition. Our office is in downtown Langley, and we are currently seeing client from Delta to Abbotsford.
For questions regarding services or to book an appointment call us at 778 389 4802 or email michelle.shepherdrd@gmail.com
Photo: flickr user Mapper-Montag