You know that high fibre snacks are key, because fibre is one of the most underrated nutrients and if you are 90% of the population you need more. Instead of more talk about why you need it for healthy weight loss, hunger hormones, energy, blood sugar or to boost your good gut bacteria – here are 7 practical and delicious ways to squeeze some extra in at your snacks so you stay fuller and more energized longer.

7 Healthy And Delicious High Fibre Snack Ideas:

  • Cheesy Cauliflower Nachos:  Only 150 cal, with 4 g of fibre and 5 g protein these nutrient-packed cauli nachos will be satisfying any day of the week but are a great pick for game night to keep you from filling up on just chips and beer.
  • Basic Chia Pudding: Soluble fibre like chia is perfect if you struggle with bloating or gut issues but know you need more fibre, and you can flavour chia pudding however you want! Use different frozen fruits, even flavour drops like peppermint (with a chocolate protein powder), vanilla extract or anything else you can think of.  At a whopping 13 g fibre and 7 g protein this is a filling, blood sugar stabilizing snack that will keep you on track through the afternoon slump.
  • Crunchy Roasted Chickpeas: You can make your own spicy bbq flavour here or try these healthy pre-made ones to save time. They’re also a great crunchy topper for a Caesar salad instead of croutons to boost protein and fibre.
  • Baked Jicama Fries: Jicama is an underrated plant food – delicious raw sprinkled with a little lime juice and tajin, or roasted here (speed up with your air fryer) to give you 8 g of fibre in under 100 calories.

And for a sweet treat that is still high fibre to help keep you full and cravings at bay…

What meal do you find it hardest to get fibre in? Any great high fibre snack recipes you use that we could add to the list? I’d love to hear your thoughts – it really helps me keep these emails practical and helpful! Email me here and let me know.

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